Due Diligence in Top Football
For interested investors, we carry out Due Diligence as a careful examination of the respective football companies. Together with them, we select the most optimal investment option. As such, the following can be considered:
- Direct Strategic Investment in Football Clubs by a commercial enterprise
- Private Equity Participation by individual private equity investors and private equity firms
- Participations by Fans as investors
- Participation in Usable Rights of Football Clubs as participation in transfer rights and participations in the media rights of football companies
However, the disciplines listed below can also be used just as well by football companies in order to increase the trust of potential investors and business partners in the event of a desired capital procurement.
We support you in one of the investment variants presented here as an investor and business partner in a football company. However, we also use the same tools to support a football company in raising equity capital via international over-the-counter but also regulated trading venues as well as in the private equity environment.
We will guide you competently through the preparation phase of an investment in equity or capital procurement. These include the feasibility study and the financial valuation of the company with subsequent determination of the reference prices or the value for a football company. As part of the feasibility study, we work with you to draw up a plan of action, determine the financial needs and check the consistency of the strategic and operational planning of a football company.
A preview calculation and forecast form the basis of a company valuation. On this basis, a value for the football company is determined according to the best practice methods and a reference short for the shares or goodwill is calculated. This results in a purely financial assessment for a possible investment object or a capital procurement.
Our approach is based on the international standards of the auditing industry and implements them with the Swiss auditing standards (AS) according to the recommendations of the professional association EXPERTsuisse, expert association for auditing, taxes and fiduciary.

In the implementation phase, a detailed examination of the entire success potential of a football company is carried out. Based on our experience, we determine the criteria for a potential analysis together with you. These include the following indicators:
Sporting potential
- National and international titles
- Historical game odds
- Player performance
- Trainers' track record
- Training planning, game analysis and monitoring within the sports area as well as measurement of the performance of the medical department
- Junior staff and its promotion
Economic potential
- Revenue growth and marketing as well as sales
- Cost structures
- Profitability
- Investment efficiency
- Football Trailer potential
- Stadium potential
- Brand potential
Restrictions on investments in football companies
- In Germany the 50 + 1 rule
- Situation in Europe / UEFA's Financial Fair Play
On the basis of this data, the definitive and comprehensive assessment of an investment object is carried out. The result forms the basis for the subsequent negotiations and includes many other relevant variables in addition to the financial data.
Together with our globally networked partner, we are able to establish possible investments and business relationships with professional football clubs in the 5 top leagues of Europe as well as with well-known clubs in South America and, of course, in Switzerland.
We also support football clubs in raising equity and debt capital. This includes, among other things, the dematerialization and safekeeping of the previous share certificates with subsequent electronic identification of the securities. If the securities meet the necessary requirements, we are able to periodically provide you with a bid and ask price for securities and a NAV – Net Asset Value – for funds on the international financial markets. With this step, the realization is completed.

Post Going Private
Finally, in the last phase of the so-called “Post Going Private”, we distinguish two main processes. First, corporate governance as a pure business discipline. These include Best Practice Controlling, Internal Control System ICS and audit services.
Secondly, periodic investor care and exclusive asset management by a well-known private bank with headquarters in Geneva and a branch in Zurich. This is due to our long-standing network as a so-called business partner of this financial institution. In this way, we round off our offer for you in this service segment.

Management Consulting
We follow the recommendations of the professional association veb.ch – expert association for accounting and controlling – in the implementation of Best Practice Controlling and the Internal Control System.
Thanks to our industry experience in the machine industry with order production, transport industry, healthcare, public administration and the finance and services sector, we also support you with the following topics:
Strategy Consulting
- Corporate structures
- Strategy definition and implementation as Balanced Scorecard
- Implementation into measures and actions
Best Practice Controlling
- Strategic Planning
- Operational Planning
- Variance Analysis
Structure and Process Optimization with SAP Business Software
- Business Warehouse, component BI
- Consolidation, component ECCS
- Material Management, component MM
- Order Planning, a part of the component PP
- Sales, component SD
- Finance, component FI
- Controlling, component CO
- Integration with the Project System, component PS and Customer Service, component CS
- Technology SAP S/4HANA

The state authorization and accreditation obliges us to comply with the legal requirements and international professional standards with national implementation within the audit services. This guarantees the highest quality of our service.
We support you actively in the achievement of your economic goals. We are guided by the requirements of EXPERTsuisse, the professional Association for Auditing, Tax and Trust, as well as the Chamber of Auditors of the Czech Republic.
We take over as the organ of your company for you.
- Annual Company Audit
- Annual Company Review
We also offer you our services in the area of services close to the revision, such as the creation of financial information and information according to your individual needs in the sense of an unrestricted screening and compilation. This includes the collection, classification and consolidation of non-financial-oriented data.
Due to our many years of experience in the SAP environment, we have specialized in the Swiss Auditing Standard 870, Software Testing. This in the sense of a Due Diligence especially for young companies in the Digital World.